Eppendork sometimes says her prayers, tries to be a good person, scientist and hot babe (although somedays being hot is tough work), apparently someone was listening. By someone, I mean the non-denominational fk-up fairy, who by some miracle absented herself and her absence allowed Eppendork to find some superduper hot stuff in her data.

Figure 1: What I would've been doing if there was any one left in my office this afternoon!
Quite possibly wetting myself with excitement sitting in front of the computer I spent the afternoon with pretty coloured christmas-like light bulbs going off in my head - thinking nobody has described this previously and its hot! I love my science - even tho' sometimes I'm not in love with it - although currently Eppendork is thinking wholeheartedly lustful thoughts about her science and is swooning over most recent results. Apparently it is the season!
Awesome! Were I not fully divorcing my brain from science over my vacation, I would be all a-swoon for your science. For the moment, though, please accept my heartfelt congratulations.
Mmmmm....chocolate. I hope the fk-up fairy stays far away in 2009!
I wish I had the data for this. I've been working on the same system for months with nothing but negative results to show for it. One of those things where I know it's not anaerobic conditions, gut contents, gut membranes, etc etc etc...but still don't know what it is. I don't know, maybe techs weren't supposed to get this involved in their work?
But I did have that kind of moment today when going over papers (Paper A + Paper B = holy crap sweetness!). Now I've just got to convince my boss to let me design some experiments to throw at it.
Question: Do you go as Eppy for short or are we required to refer to you with the full Eppydork?
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