Sunday, December 14, 2008

Twas 9 days before Christmas...

and all through the lab, was a sparkly shiney lab christmas tree....

And has Eppendork done any christmas shopping - no, no she has not.  Has Eppendork thought about buying christmas presents?  Only slightly - am currently disgustingly busy and oddly almost student poor so buying pressies is not a go-er at the moment.   Tbh I would be happy to arrive at Christmas morning with a Sauv in hand and mellow family type christmas, possibly a new book or two - although having said that Eppendork is trying to de-book herself and it is hard.  I love books and I have read many of them two or three times.  It is like giving away a bit of me.


PS: how cool is our lablab christmas tree??


Unbalanced Reaction said...

I *love* the tree. The little eppendorfs are an awesome touch!